Friday, May 31, 2019

Improving Cyberspace :: essays research papers fc

Improving CyberspaceThesis Though governments cannot physically mould theInternet, cyberspace needs regulations to delayillegal activity, the destruction of morals, and child admission price to pornography.I. Introduction.II. Illegal activity online costs America millions and hurtsour economy.A. It is impossible for our government to physicallyregulate cyberspace.1. One government cannot regulate the Internet byitself.2. The basic design of the Internet prohibitscensorship.B. It is possible for America to censor the Internet.1. All sites in America receive their address fromthe government.2. The government could lay the address forinappropriate stuff and nonsense.3. Existing federal laws regulate BBSs frominappropriate material.III. Censoring the Internet would establish moral standards.A. Pornography online is more harsh than any early(a)media.1. The material out there is highly perverse andsickening.2. Some is not only illegal, but focuses onchildren.B. Many industries face p roblems from illegal activityonline.1. Floods of copyrighted material are illegallypublished online.2. Innocent fans face problems for being good fans.IV. Online pornography is easily and illegally accessibleto minors.A. In Michigan, anyone can access anything incyberspace for free.1. Mich-Net offers most of Michigan access with alocal call.2. The new Communications Decency Act couldterminate Mich-net.B. BBSs offer callers access to adult materialillegally.1. Most BBS operators dont require proof of age.2. Calls to BBSs are undetectable to a childsparents.V. Conclusion."People dont inadvertently tune into while driving to aSunday ginger nut with Aunt Gwendolyn" (Huber). For some reason, many peoplebelieve this philosophy and therefore think the Internet and other online areasshould not be subject to censorship. The truth is, however, that computerizednetworks wish the Internet are in desperate need of regulations. People can say,do, or create anything th ey wish, and as America has proved in the past, thistype of blot just doesnt work. Though governments cannot physicallyregulate the Internet, cyberspace needs regulations to prevent illegal activity,the destruction of morals, and child access to pornography.First, censoring the online community would ease the tenseness on the computer software package industry. Since the creation of the first computer networks, peoplehave been exchanging data back and forth, but eventually people stoppedtransferring text, and started send binaries, otherwise known as computerprograms. Users like the idea why would someone buy two software packages whenthey could buy one and trade for a copy of another with a friend? Thisphilosophy has cost the computer industry millions, and companies like Microsofthave simply given up. Laws exist against exchanging computer softwareviolators face up to a $200,000 fine and/or five years imprisonment, but theselaws are simply unenforced. Most businesses are violato rs as well.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Qualitative Research for Instructional Technology Essay -- Qualitative

Qualitative ResearchQualitative Research Defined The simplest way to define qualitative look is to say that it is a type of look which involves showing nonnumerical data. The underlying belief of qualitative research is that meaning is situated in a particular purview or context, and, since different people and groups have different perspectives and contexts, there are many different meanings in the world, none of which is necessarily more valid or true than another (Gay & Airasian, 1996). A qualitative researcher, therefore, believes that the world cannot be pinned down by objective meanings, but that all variables must be taken into describe when conducting research, including the past experiences and personalities of the researcher. According to Peck and Secker (1999), this idea has three important implications from a research perspectiveFirst, it follows that the purpose of research is not to establish objective facts nigh the social world because objective knowledge is impossible rather, the aim is to explore how research participants understand, or make sense of, the topics in which we are interested. Second, the theories we arrive at as researchers are also inevitably our own interpretations of research participants discretions and not simply a reflection of them. Finally, for readers and reviewers to assess qualitative research, it is necessary to present a thick description of the data, illustrate this with substantial extracts, and make the processes of the analysis transparent.How Qualitative Research differs from Quantitative Research In order to gain a clearer understanding of qualitative research, it is necessary to compare its basic purpose and focus to those ... ...tative research is a valuable form of research to use in order to interpret the everyday life situations that cannot be measured through quantitative methods. ReferencesGay, L. R., & Airasian, Peter. (1999). Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application, Sixth Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ Merrill.Palmerino, Mark. (1999). Take a quality approach to qualitative research. Marketing News, 33, 35-36.Peck, Edward & Secker, Jenny. (1999). Quality criteria for qualitative research Does context make a difference?. Qualitative Health Research, 9, 552-558.Putney, LeAnn & Green, Judith. (1999). exploitation of qualitative research methodology Looking beyond defense to possibilities. Reading Research Quarterly, 34, 368-377.Tema-Lyn, Laurie. (1999). Five ways to get more out of qualitative research. Marketing News, 33, 38.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Language Differences in America Essay -- Essays Papers

Language Differences in America America is a uncouth of immigrants. Lots of people from other countries are coming here each year. Most of these people dont know the language, so they face a lot of difficulties at first. Even after theyve been in the country for quite a while they still have an accent and sometimes their grammar usage is not perfect. Often people, who were born and raised in the United States, cannot catch what people with different dialect or accent are saying, so that creates problems and uncomfortable situations for the immigrants. Sometimes people with an accent would be treated differently, as if they were not as intelligent or as smart as others. I am foreign myself and I can tell from my personal experience that it is sincerely hard to start a new life in another country. Amy erythema solare in her Mother Tongue describes an example of the situation like this, when Amy Tans mothers CAT scan results were lost and hospital would not apologize to her. All of this was because of Amys mothers dialect, provided when Amy, who speaks a perfect English, herself talked to the hospital lo and behold we had assurances the CAT scan would be found, promises that a conference c totally on Monday would be held, and apologies for any suffering my mother had bygone through for a most regrettable mistake. Sometimes it is necessary for the people to understand that person, who has a dialect or an accent, is not that much different from them and that person has to be treated equally, as well as someone without an accent. Different people come to America they have different traditions, religion, lifestyles, and lots of other things, but all of them are trying to start a new life, because the one they had in the ... ...elf in the other persons place. I think that she is right and we should have assess for each other and accent should not become a barrier for the communication. I agree with Thomas Bray that, one becomes American by g et into a set of ideas honed by long and often bitter experience about what works and doesnt work but he also says that all of us need to assimilate to one culture and one standard, and personally I think it is not right and it can not happen, because if you are an immigrant, you cannot only when ignore your whole past, but what would be better is to bring something special, bright and exciting from your past, and leave all the bad things behind. In this case both, the American family and you, would win. And our society has to help people do that, and it should not think of the people, who come here, as of unworthy their attention and respect.

Computers, the Internet, and a Changing World :: Computer Cyberspace Technology Essays

Computers, the Internet, and a Changing World When I think about the world of indite in the year2003, and compare it to writing, letssay, in the year 1990, the changes that have evolvedare phenomenal. Of course, a person couldargue that change is the hotshot immutable in life, including wad, ideas, and technology, just to name afew. How can you measure and analyze every changethats occurred in the world, and its cultures?If you tried, youd likely grow aged and die before youcould pinpoint every single one. But when itcomes to writing and the writers, themselves, in thetwenty-first century, no longer are the paperpages of books, magazines, and newspapers the save address of reading. The internet is a dazzling andcomplicated electronic world, where one human caninstantly communicate with another, all with the finish off of a mouse. Cyberculture has taken us from anearlier world, where we used the pen, pencil,typewriter, and just a computer, to a rapid-fireelectronic galaxy, that enables us to use millions ofpixels to send messages to the world the most amazingpart of all, is that we can do all this withoutever leaving the comfort of our homes.Lets start at the beginning, before the informationsuperhighway was a part of theglobal vernacular. Millions of people like to readthe newspaper, for a variety of reasons many,including myself, want to keep up to speed on currentevents, locally, and around the world. I tend toread The Detroit bountiful Press, The Ann Arbor News, andoccasionally, The New York Times, all goodand, for the most part, accurate sources of news. Myparents subscribed to all three newspapers formany years, and still do to this day. After I goout and began living on my own, I would go to thenearest store or newspaper stand to buy a copy, and attimes, still do this. However, with theexplosion of internet usage, I dont have to run outto the store and spend thirty-five or fifty cents onone of those papers rather, all I have to do is turnon my com puter, get connected to the internet,type in the URL, and I am instantly at thatnewspapers site, with that days electronic headlinesonly a few inches from my face. I can read the front pagenews, or click a link that takes me to the sportssection, or hit another link that takes me to themovie reviews. There are countless texts, long and short, to read onthe internet, and newspapers areonly one example. However, I believe that these

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

lieshod White Lies in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay

White Lies in Heart of Darkness In his novella Heart of Darkness (1899), Joseph Conrad through his principal narrator, Marlow, reflects upon the evils of the human condition as he has experienced it in Africa and Europe. Seen from the perspective of Conrads nameless, objective persona, the evils that Marlow encountered on the expedition to the heart of darkness, Kurtzs Inner Station on the banks of the snake-like Congo River, fall into two categories the petty misdemeanors and vain lies that are common- place, and the greater evils -- the grotesque acts society attributes to madmen. That the first class of malefaction is connected to the second is illustrated in the downfall of the storys secondary protagonist, the tragically deluded and hubristic Mr. Kurtz. The European idealist, believing the lies of his connection and of the economic imperialism that supports it, is unprepared for the test of character that the Congo imposes, and succumbs to the potential for the diabolical l atent within every human consciousness. Although numerous critics (including Johanna M. Smith, Peter Hyland, Herbert Klein, and Garrett Stewart) pass water skeletal attention to how Marlows lie to the Intended informs the whole preceding text and how that culminating scene with the Intended is connected to Marlows initial impression of Brussels as a whited inhumation (how appropriate in light of Belgian King Leopold IIs hypocritical defense of his private companys rapacious exploitation of the ludicrously- named Congo Free State), few have until recently focussed on how the lie affects the readers reaction to Marlow as the protagonist and narrator of Conrads Congo tale. Answering questions which the dead mans Intended poses him reg... ...Rosmarin, Adena. Darkening the Reader Reader- solution Criticism and Heart of Darkness . Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. Pp. 148-171. Smith, Johanna M. Smith. Too Beautiful Altogether Patriarchal political orientation in Heart of Darkness . Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. Pp. 179-198. Stewart, Garrett. Lying as demise in Heart of Darkness . PMLA 95 (1980) 319- 331. Trilling, Lionel. Huckleberry Finn . The Liberal Imagination Essays on Literature and Society . New York Doubleday Anchor Books, 1950. Pp. 100-113. Wright, Walter F. Ingress to The Heart of Darkness . hallucination and Tragedy in Joseph Conrad . New York Russell and Russell, 1966. Pp. 143-160.

lieshod White Lies in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay

White Lies in Heart of Darkness In his novella Heart of Darkness (1899), Joseph Conrad with his principal narrator, Marlow, reflects upon the evils of the human condition as he has experienced it in Africa and Europe. Seen from the perspective of Conrads nameless, objective persona, the evils that Marlow encountered on the expedition to the heart of darkness, Kurtzs Inner Station on the banks of the snake-like Congo River, fall into two categories the petty misdemeanors and trivial lies that are common- place, and the greater evils -- the grotesque acts society attributes to madmen. That the first class of malefaction is connected to the second is illustrated in the drop of the storys secondary protagonist, the tragically deluded and hubristic Mr. Kurtz. The European idealist, believing the lies of his Company and of the economic imperialism that supports it, is unprepared for the test of character that the Congo imposes, and succumbs to the potential for the diabolical latent w ithin all(prenominal) human consciousness. Although numerous critics (including Johanna M. Smith, Peter Hyland, Herbert Klein, and Garrett Stewart) have drawn attention to how Marlows lie to the Intended informs the whole preceding text and how that culminating scene with the Intended is connected to Marlows initial impression of Brussels as a whited sepulchre (how appropriate in light of Belgian King Leopold IIs hypocritical defense of his private companys rapacious using of the ludicrously- named Congo Free State), few have until recently focussed on how the lie affects the readers reaction to Marlow as the protagonist and narrator of Conrads Congo tale. respondent questions which the dead mans Intended poses him reg... ...Rosmarin, Adena. Darkening the Reader Reader- Response Criticism and Heart of Darkness . Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness A Case Study in coeval Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. tonic York St. Martins Press, 1989. Pp. 148-171. Smith, Johanna M. Smith. Too B eautiful Altogether Patriarchal Ideology in Heart of Darkness . Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness A Case Study in modern Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. Pp. 179-198. Stewart, Garrett. Lying as Dying in Heart of Darkness . PMLA 95 (1980) 319- 331. Trilling, Lionel. Huckleberry Finn . The Liberal Imagination Essays on Literature and Society . New York Doubleday Anchor Books, 1950. Pp. 100-113. Wright, Walter F. Ingress to The Heart of Darkness . Romance and Tragedy in Joseph Conrad . New York Russell and Russell, 1966. Pp. 143-160.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Rene Descartes Essay

Rene Descartes is one of the most influential destineers in the history of modern Western philosophy. non tho did he contribute signifi tricktly in the area of mathematics and physics, but he also farmd a systematic approach to philosophy that is motionless followed today. During his time, he rejected much of the Aristotelian traditions of the medieval age and took philosophy in a new direction, attempting to integrate it with the sciences that were just beginning to come into their own. He also contributed to the theological discussion by studying the nature of immortal cosmogonically and ontologically in his work Meditations.When one origin reads Meditations on the First Philosophy In Which the Existence of paragon and the Distinction Between Mind and Body are Demonstrated by Descartes, being aware of his reputation for being the Father of modernistic Philosophy, and his claim to have arrived at a method of gaining knowledge about the world which had the same kind of cert ainty as knowledge of mathematics, they may be initially disappointed because of his refusal to completely abandon religious thought in favor of homosexualist ideology.In the Preface to Meditations Descartes states his aim is to explain the nature of the human soul and demonstrate the instauration of God. To demonstrate the latter, Descartes presents multiple produces of Gods innovation, the cosmogenic and the ontological blood lines. Descartes cosmological lineage as to the existence of God first comes to light in the third part of Meditations and begins and ends with the existence of God as the initial cause of everything, including human reason out capable of ideation of different realities.Following his dictum Cogito ergo sum, which translates into I think, therefore I am, Descartes begins with himself as existing, with existence perfect, and his existence caused by something. According to Descartes In order that an idea may contain this neutral domain rather than tha t, it must precariousnessless derive it from some cause in which is found at least as much formal reality as the idea contains of objective for, if we suppose that there is found in an idea anything which was not in its cause, it must of course derive this from nix (Med.III, par. 14).though Descartes can know himself, and he can know of flawlessness, even believing himself to be perfect, he is not perfect and could not be the cause of himself. To him, only God as a perfect being can truly possess infinite knowledge of perfection. As he states Although my knowledge increase much and more, nevertheless I am not, therefore, induced to think that it will ever be actually infinite, since it can never reach that point beyond which it shall be incapable of further increase (Med. III, par. 27).As his knowledge of perfection is limited, and God is perfect, his idea that God is perfect is only possible if God preceded the idea and do it possible. Descartes follows causation from his exis tence bandaging through the reasons for it, from his parents, to their parents, and so on, finally concluding that at the beginning there must be God, as only nobody can come from nothing. While Descartes cosmological certainty that God exists relies on causality for its foundation, in part five of Meditations he also provides ontological proof to back it up.Descartes ontological argument takes a markedly different approach than his cosmological proof of Gods existence. Descartes ontological argument begins with his idea of God as being a perfect being of infinite substance as put forth in the third part of Meditations the idea by which I conceive a God sovereign, eternal, infinite, immutable, all-knowing, all-powerful, and the creator of all things that are out of himself, this, I say, has certainly in it more objective reality than those ideas by which finite substances are represented (Med.III, par. 13). To Descartes, objective reality is more perfect than ideas about reality, and because his idea of God is that He is a perfect being that nothing more perfect can possibly be imagined, he must be more real than any of his nonexistent thoughts.In essence, Descartes logical argument for his ontological proof of Gods existence is that he can experience the idea of God as a the most perfect being, existence is part of Gods essence and His existence is more perfect than human thoughts about it, so therefore God exists in reality as the most perfect being because I cannot conceive God unless as existing, it follows that existence is inseparable from him, and therefore that he really existsthe necessity of the existence of God, determines me to think in this way for it is not in my power to conceive a God without existence, that is, a being supremely perfect, and yet devoid of an absolute perfection (Med. V, par. 10). As the essence of Descartes idea of God is existence, much as having three sides is the essence of a triangle, God exists.While Descartes presuppo ses the perfection of existence and the idea that God is the most perfect being, his ontological argument fails to provide the sound reasoning as his cosmological one and speaks more of his Catholic assumptions than his intellectual emphasis on reason. Descartes arguments for the existence of God are born from equal split philosophy and religion. While this could largely be explained by Descartes Catholicism, it might be equal parts of his realization that any potential thought that contradicted the Church would be met with punishment. The Mediations were published just a few years after Galileo was accused of heresy during the hunting for supporting the Copernican view of the solar system, in which the earth revolved around the sun, rather than the Ptolemaic view, in which the sun moves around the earth.Descartes even makes telephone extension to his treatise on natural sciences in Part 5 of the Discourse, but in Part 6 specifically says he decided not publish it because of the curse of Galileo. With emphasis on proving the existence of God, Descartes assured himself protection from such persecution imposed on Galileo and other scientists and philosophers considered heretical, but also presented two arguments for it of varied questionability. The cosmological argument put forth by Descartes has far more credibility philosophically than his ontological argument. While a Catholic philosopher trying to prove the existence of God, it is unthinkable to expect atheistic indifference concerning the subject, but the ontological proof requires far more faith than the cosmological argument, which relies more on reason.The cosmological argument, rather than presupposing the perfection of existence and therefore the perfection of God as a perfect being that exists, questions the causality that brought Descartes to the point of even being able to question the existence of God in the first place. Through reason, he is able to deduce that there must be a cause for his thought, his life, his parents, the world, and all of existence, and seeks to trace the origins back to the beginning. While scientists and philosophers today would trace it back to the big bang or a cyclical theory of existence, Descartes only had knowledge of God to explain the origins of existence.The cosmological argument is one that had origins long before Descartes and continued to be posed long after him. Descartes ontological argument is far less convincing than his cosmological argument. He asks that too many presuppositions be made to justify accepting the existence of God. Instead of following with a line of thought that establishes human reason as the unshakable foundation of existence, Descartes asserts that a good God could not possibly deceive, and that therefore humans could confidently accept all the perceptions which the method of doubt had just led humans, including Descartes, to challenge. This begs the question that if the arguments for the existence of God are not valid, than will the whole system collapse?It also asks that existence be considered perfect, though provides little justification for this claim, while contradictorily offering gradations of perfection as a thing in itself. The cosmological question that examines the causality of existence and leads to the proof of God is far more convincing than the ontological argument that lacks its scientific and philosophical reasoning. For Descartes, God is the justification for accepting the evidence of human senses. But in practice very few people ever doubt the evidence of their senses. Even though reality can be warped by senses, which can often mislead, it is only discovered when reflecting on other evidence from the senses.By using his reason to argue for the existence of God, Descartes showed that faith needed not be the only tool used in the matter. His cosmological argument is far stronger than his ontological one, for the universe and everything in it must have started somehow, whether God or a prime mover. The ontological argument that proves the existence of God merely because humans can conceive of Him is not as strong, because the richness of imagination can create countless things that are not real outside of the mind. Even in recent years, as scientific discovery uncovers the Big Bang billions of years ago, Descartes cosmological argument still holds up, as God may have been the initial cause for the bang and all that followed.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Science Laboratory Report

The results of the lab were very accurate beca use of goods and services the r action of the enzymes in enthusiastic water system were actually very quick and in unheated water the enzyme mess seemed to react very slow. Background So far from what we obligate conditioned from 3. 2. 1 ab reveal enzymes is that they be substances that produce a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring a SP specific biochemical reaction. Enzymes are very important because they control the s peed of chemical reactions in the body, but also enzymes are made out of amino acid s and have a lock and key basics.What this does is that it lock the enzymes and the key substance and the only way it will react is by inducing the correct substrate, which plays a intent in determining the final shape of the enzyme and so the enzyme partially flexible. Chemical digestion is a process in which food is being broken down by chemic in our bodies like saliva and enzymes. Besides their being enzymes there are also consumes which support the functions of enzymes, they loosely bind to enzyme mess to help them unadulterated their activities, they are nonprofit, and they are organic molecules.Our goal in the experiment was to see the different reaction that happen to enzymes while being at different temperatures. For an physical exercise when we did the lab we saw that the pres original in warm water was high which lets us know that enzyme nature at a warm temperature, and we placed approximately ice on the beaker the temperature began to decrease and when we took the pressure, the result SSH owed that the enzymes reacted very slow which seems to give us a very obvious result. When enzymes are in a stone- rimed temperature they tend to have less energy and have a I ate reaction.Hypothesis My hypothesis on this experiment was that enzymes would move very fast in warm temperature and that in a cold temperature the enzymes would be MO vying slow or like being stiff and that their reaction w ould decrease from what it would reach at a high temperature. Materials and Methods 1. Use a 600 ml beaker and fill it up with warm water up 250 ml. 2. Use a thermometer that measures in Celsius, take the temperature of the water, results should be around 19 co 3. SE a hottish plate and heat it up to a low temperature and then place the beaker with the thermometer on the hot plate and let it sit their for 5 minutes 4. aft(prenominal) 5 minutes have passed remove the beaker from the hot plate take a liveliness at your experiment, the temperature of the water shouldve gone up unlike the group, their results were chic 5. Avian the beaker removed from the hot plate, make sure you get a flask that is cxxv ml. 6. Fill the flask with 50 ml of atomic number 1 peroxide and place it inside the 600 ml beaker. 7. Once you have done that use the fernier to measure the go down on pressure 8. You need to connect the USB cable to your computer and the other end of the cable connect it to the labiates box and connect the cable to channel 1 9. After connecting the gas pressure sensor open the program on your computer and make sure youre starting off with a blank graph 10. thence grab the gas pressure sensor and connect it to labiates box with a lack cable. After doing that grab the valve and the rubber stopper. 11. Once you have everything connected the fernier use a microcomputer that measures 2020041 12. SE a pipette and put it on the microcomputer and absorb 10041 of catalyst 13. Poor the amount of catalyst in the in the flask and quickly and cover the flask with the rubber stopper. 14. Make sure you put pressure on the rubber stopper and click the green release on the computer which begins to graph. 15. You should only do this for 200 seconds and wants youre done you click on the red icon which means stop and then print out your results. 16. You Should now do a cold water bath and to be able to do this you need ice and fresh new enzymes and hydrogen peroxide.Make sure you dump out all the liquids you used and get fresh ones. 17. Remember thou should fill the beaker with 250 ml of cold water and pour 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide in the flask. You should have some ice and put some in the beaker and take the temperature of the cold ice water, you should NOT use the hydrogen peroxide yet. 18. After 5 minutes the temperature that the group recorded at first, was ICC Make sure you record your results 20. After taking the temperature of the water. Owe you should take the hydrogen peroxide and get it close to the temperature of the water. 1 . 19. Get the flask that contains the hydrogen peroxide and place it back In the beaker, let it sit there for about(predicate) 10 minutes. 22. When 10 minutes have passed you should now use the fernier and repeat steps 715 again. Rest Its The results of this experiment was that the enzymes react very slow in cold w eater and that in hot water the enzymes have more energy and are able to move m such faster. The slope i n the graph for hot water was y=0. 0119 and so that was the change e for every second and the slope for cold water was 0. 03 which lets you know that the c hanger in both slopes was decreased from what you can see, Results of the different temperatures in Celsius cold water coco hot water coco cold ice water cold ice water beaker/flask Discussion We already know that enzymes denature do to the type of temperature there at The results of the graph for hot and cold water show that the pressure thee r is when the enzyme is found at a hot or cold temperature. The important liquids that we used in this experiment was O 2 ( hydrogen peroxide) and the catalyst. The enzymes destroy hydrogen peroxide by breaking it down.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Is Exposure to the Internet at Early Age a Good Idea

The internet currently presents very interesting questions and challengers for parents. If there were an instruction manual and how to be a parent leaning on technology and the internet would be worthy to certain the problems. Internet leaders, analysts, and activists are involved in an ongoing debate most how the internet and technology affect our lives, as virtual reality becomes embedded in your life. While technology advances have improved communication capabilities, there is huge disagreement as to whether this leads to better social tolerance, human relations, or home lives.Nowadays, children are moving towards technology in by time. Definitely, we are in a period where technology is all(prenominal)thing without technology our life left out and monotonous. In discussion, let see the purpose of internet aspect for the children. Internet has both its skilful and bad impact. It really depends on our way of use. For me, I agree the discussion of exposure to the internet at an previous(predicate) age a good topic because children can develop computer skills faster, in internet many websites include types of educational will have, authorise your child quick and effective access and finally encourage to use more comfortable resources in internet.What can the internet do for you and your children? Let see now and in the future? Its usefulness enters every area of our lives. By the internet, updated randomness about vital subjects can apply which only a click way. The internet presents much benefit to the individual or children for education, business, entertainment and live socialization. Exposure to the internet at an early age because can develop their computer skills so far in education and entertainment.As a tool for education and entertainment, the internet enables users to assure about virtually any topic in education or entertainment, search information or play an infinite number of online games with other users. This keeps them awake of all th ings going on around technology. The internet is the most useful and important thing in todays society whitethorn develop their computer skills faster. The first step is gaining an adequate knowledge of the facts, and then knowing where to look for solutions. As topic as, our children are thinking true or false knowledge and avoid the problems.Informed parents can be proactive and reduce the risks, and perhaps just as important, they can ensure technology is positive influence for yours. Besides that, exposure to the internet at early age because information technology give learn about virtual education for their children to develop acknowledge for them. There are so many valuable information that the children can get on the internet. This keeps them aware of all the things to do and going on around them. So, children should have proper access to the internet from a very early age to learn and memorize them earlier.Besides that, information technology is mediator and beneficial to young child to develop their skills. Many programs and types of education will have in internet such(prenominal) as citcat. com, dictionary with google translate and many programs are beneficial to them. Before that, to suppose this advantage, family should supervision for them to allowed use the internet. In addition, exposure to the internet at early age can give your child quick and effective access the internet. Information technology gives a large amount of educational material to use for education part.Children more like to explore their mind to search any part in internet to have information for them. Other sides, schools generally give your child encourage and usually insist upon the use of computers for obtaining resources. These are started at school while they should know and where this information can get for them. This age children flummox their capturing skills and knowledge around them. Then, children are quick and effective to learn more about the internet. For exa mple, children can make tutorial between users and computer, while the computer thatched roof what to do with tutorial itself.Otherwise, some of the victimization internet is also dangers with many inappropriate sites for young children. In the internet, are also dangers for their young children because it is many alas and worryingly can display with searching in the internet. Predators in disguise frequent sites looking for children to deceive. For example, many website in the internet can manipulate and impart porno sites and uncertain sites to abuse their child. It all depends on their children owns. When a child enters a chat room, they expect to find someone that is their own age with their interest.They may even find someone that just seems like they truly are the perfect friend. In conclusion, exposure to the internet at an early age has its pros and cons. Children using the internet at an early stage are much smarter than their counterparts who do not have access to the in ternet. There is also much valuable information that children can get on the internet at an early age. For recommendation, children should be allowed and exposure to use the internet at an early age only in the presence of their parents or some other adults in their family.

Friday, May 24, 2019

A Linguistic Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Address

Rhythm and Rhetoric A linguistic Analysis of Obamas maiden Address Liilia Batluk Supervisor Stuart Foster School of Humanities Halmstad University Bachelors thesis in English Acknowledgment My appreciations to my supervisor Stuart Foster for very helpful advice during the re inquisition. Abstract In this es understand I shall analyze Barack Obamas Inaugural Address, January, 2009 from the perspective of various linguistic techniques. More specifically, I shall propose and focus on the idea that the composition of the saving has an aim to produce a angiotensin-converting enzyme of the loudspeaker and the interview in fix up to deliver the subject.Moreover, the speaker principal(prenominal)tains the atmosphere of single throughout the draw off-in, so that the talking to produces an effect when the audience be set abouts a joint author of it. My thesis volition also discuss some facial expressions of persuasive strategies employed in the speech from those dating back as l ong as antediluvian Greece to temporal discourses. The aim is to analyze how the drop of a teleph 1 number of linguistic approaches fixs a speech which senses an agreement and co-operation among the orator and the audience. Table of Contents credit Abstract .. . Introduction 1 2. Con text edition editionbook diachronic, ethnical and genial circumstances . 4 2. 1 Social and cultural back background .. 5 2. 2 historic/ semipolitical context . 6 3. Methodology 4. rhetorical and linguistic strategies . 6 7 4. 1. The use of personal deixis 8 4. 2. Rhythm 10 4. 3. Parallelism and simulated military operation up . .13 4. . 1. Parallelism syntactic and lexical 15 4. 3. 2. Parallelism and head rhyme .. 16 4. 4. Rhetoric lexical chain for the planned changes . 17 4. 5. Citing some other orators 19 4. 6. Elements of treatment .. .20 5. Conclusion .. 21 Works Cited . 23 Appendix 1. Introduction This essays aim is to analyze Barack Obamas Inaugural Address, January, 2009 app lying various linguistic approaches.The linguistic devices utilize in the speech testament be in focus in my research. It is a qualitative research, that is to say, the primary data is a verbal protocol, whose intertextuality in the aspects of look oning and meaning production exit be analyzed with the help of such approaches as content analysis, critical theory and discourse analysis. I ordain try to unfold the sophisticated linguistic composition of various techniques lying in fields of semantics and rhetoric, employed by Obama and argue that the coherent use of them produces the coveted effect in the delivery of the pass along.A Pre positionntial Inaugural Address is a ceremonial speech, made by a lately elected president of the USA, home run a youthful Presidential term. The Oxford Guide to the United States Government states that a speech inureds the tone for the administration and that presidents usually stress unity and bi furcateisanship after what is some snips a divisive and bitter Presidential campaign (inauguration, Presidential). There argon no regulations concerning the length or issues of the speech, it is notwith digesting language which is specified by the Constitution.The richness of the English language is employed to produce the first Presidential address to the domain and the world, the speech which is in focus of the world-wide mass media. An inauguration rite takes place at the Capitol on January, 20 and is usually attended by a large crowd, to which President speaks to. Presidents usually contrive a prepargond text of the speech. Obama seemed to get learned his by heart and often appealed to the audience in the form of aliment performance interrupted by applause, which is indicated in the transcript.The term performance, introduced by Chomsky, leave be used in this paper since it describes the way the individual goes intimately using language (Mey 5). The term reflexes the issue that I will analyze, that is to say, non only the intelligence agencys used by the speaker as a lexical testify, exactly also the context in which the speech is situated. Having been skillfully coordinated, they create the 1 performance that aims the delivery of the message. I will focus on the structural and functional properties of the language, the confederacy of which enables the speaker to earn the close of the performance.In chapter 2, I will introduce the historical and cultural context in which the speech was made. Context is defined as circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or an idea, and in hurt of which it chamberpot be fully understood (Oxford Dictionary of English, context noun). Defining the term context as dynamic, Mey states that it is about under rest what things atomic number 18 for it is also what gives our vocalism their true pragmatic meaning (41). The context is vital for analysis of any speech, particularly made in public.I will draw assist to the historical, cultural and social circumstances during the election campaign, which preceded the Presidential address. In subchapter 2. 1, the cultural and social background of Obama will be described. During a presidential campaign, any personal details of a erectdidate whitethorn be signifi piece of tailt they indicate the electors cullences and, possibly, expectations. A Presidents address, in turn, is based on audiences expectations. That is why, I think, this aspect should be taken into written report tour analyzing the speech.The historical/political context will be introduced in subchapter 2. 2 and will be devoted to the historical, political, stinting and social aspects in the Statesn society, the complexity of which made it possible for a colored man to become President of the USA for the first time in the regions annals. This subchapter also provides information about certain features of AfroAmerican traditional sermons, which, arguably, earn influenced the presidents address. C hapter 3 describes methodology of this work, that is to say, general approaches in this research. 2Chapter 4 is devoted to the analysis of the speech from rhetorical and linguistic approaches. Since the address is a speech made in public, a rhetoric study, which is tightly linked to the use of linguistic devices, is worth doing. Subchapter 4. 1 is focused on the use of personal deixis in the speech and their piece in aiming the delivery of the message. The selection of deixis, I will state, is c atomic number 18fully and skillfully made in set out to foreground or background particular objects, so that to consider them appearing in to a greater extent or less(prenominal) favorable aspects. In subchapter 4. , I will rearrange some extracts from the speech into stanzas the anatomical structure of writing related to poetry which I control to wee strong links in the address. Referring to theories in linguistics dealing with parallelism, didactic poetry, bicycle and metrics I wil l try to prove the idea that the speaker uses rhythm as a tool for creating an emotionally agreeable atmosphere and an easily memorized message in his performance. In subchapter 4. 3, the parting of parallelism and foregrounding in the complex of the linguistic devices employed in the speech will be analyzed.They be the tools which strengthen or weaken objects in the chosen extract, depending on the goal which the speaker sets up. The subchapter is divided into cardinal sub-subchapters, focused on syntactic and lexical forms of parallelism 4. 3. 1 and the relationship with alliteration 4. 3. 2. Rhetoric will be in focus in chapter 4. 4, particularly, the lexical register which reflects the intention to introduce forthcoming changes in the unfermented administrations policy.The attention will be move to the choice of words related to the innovative advises, which appear to be as presumable as the change of genesiss. In his speech, Obama cites other famous orators both immed iately and indirectly. Chapter 4. 5 draws parallels surrounded by some points in the address and speeches of Dr Martin Luther King and Rabbi Joachim Prinz. 3 In the inaugural address, as easy as in his other speeches, Obama uses elements of preaching, which have already been noticed in mass media and academic studies.Chapter 4. 6 draws attention to the use of words from the Bible, African-American traditional sermon and the role of transcendental head in political rhetoric in the USA. In chapter 5, I will connect the discussed issues on the linguistic devices employed in the speech, which aim to maximize the authorization of the delivery of the message. The discussion on this subject will be presented here. Chapter 6 is the conclusion, where the analyzed aspects of various linguistic discourses will be summarized.I will conclude that their combination makes a significant contribution to the winner of the speech made in public. 2. Context the historical, cultural and social circu mstances The social and historical context plays a significant role in understanding the message of the speech and analyzing it. The term context is defined as those parts of a text preceding and quest any particular passage, boastful it a meaning fuller or more identifiable that if it were read in isolation. The context of any statement may be understood to comprise . . . he biographical, social, cultural, and historical circumstances in which it is made (including the intended audience or reader). (The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, context) In the following(a) chapter I will describe the social and cultural aspects of the context preceding the performing of the Inaugural Address. 4 2. 1 Social and cultural background In November 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American president in the history of the United States. His electoral victory was considered to be a breakthrough in the social and political aspects of the American society.He embodied the dream of mil lions of his fellow citizens to come true, including Martin Luther King Jr. , with whom Obama is often compared and whose principles he maintains. BBC News stated that for many . . . Barack Obamas presidency will be the culmination of Dr Kings dream (1). The day before the inauguration, Obama drew attention to the resemblance when he helped to decorate a community project in Washington in memory of Dr King and used his idea for a deeper alikeness by saying that we resolve that as we mountain pass, we must walk together.And as we go forward in the work of renewing the promise of this nation, lets remember Kings lesson that out separate dreams are really one. (BBC News, 1) It is re lay outable that, besides the fact that Obama is biracial, worship is tell not to have played any particular role in his childhood, since his stick had no particular influence on him and his mother was an agnostic humanist, while the grandparents who helped to raise him were not religious (F. I. Greens tein, 209). The President represents a large number of the Americans in the sense of his ethnic and social background.Being dark skinned, he was brought up by his white maternal grandparents apart from a few years when he lived and attended primary school in Indonesia. Obama later wrote that, during his youth he experienced a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect (Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2007). Here could be mentioned the role of his wife, Michelle, a genuine representative of the African American population in the electoral campaign, but further discussion of this is beyond the remit of this essay. 5 2. 2.Historical / political context The presidency of an African American person would probably not have been possible a few decades past many good deal claimed that they would never have dreamed that they would see a dark skinned man becoming a president of the United States. Obama realizes this, having said that he is a son of a man who less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant (Obama, 5). A new multiplication has grown up since Martin Luther King Jr. gathered millions of people for peaceful marching to Washington in order to campaign for the identical rights for all races.The political situation is also an important aspect of Obamas victory. The former presidents administration involved the unsophisticated in a wearisome war with Iraq, an unpopular war from which the country seems unable to extricate itself. Along with a military mission in Afghanistan, it has constitute an enormous amount of money to the tax payers. On top of that, the deep recession in the economy, which show uped at the time of the election debates and which is said to be the bruise one since the Great Depression, in a general understanding, damaged the popularity of the Republicans.A new, fresh face of a relatively young candidate appeared on the political horizontal surface at this moment, who promised healing instead of fighting. No t only did he promise changes, but he also spoke a language of young people, which relates with ability, opportunity and making new crucial decisions (Capone, 2972). The candidate, Barack Obama, made a meteoric rise to national prominence (Greenstein, 206). 3. Methodology This essays research is qualitative and the speech will be analyzed by employing a number of theoretical approaches in the fields of semantics, pragmatics and rhetorical criticism.The use of various linguistic devices employed in the speech, which contribute to the aim of any 6 speech and, particularly, a public one held by a politician, will be examined. Thus, the aim is to analyze the complexity of the devices in the context and the intertextuality, which means that all texts are . . . composed of other (pre-existing) texts . . . held together in a state of constant interaction . . . hence all text exist in a state of partiality and inter-dependency with other texts (A Dictionary of critical Theory, intertextu ality).The format of C-essay does not present the opportunity to examine the whole speech from all possible approaches, hence, I will first analyze some excerpts from it in a framework of singular notions related to the theoretical basis of the above mentioned fields and then I will draw parallels between the notions. Roderick P. harts conceptions on modern rhetorical criticism and Jacob L. Meys on pragmatics issues will be widely considered while completing the work on this paper. I will also refer to a study on Barack Obamas southeast Carolina speech by A. Capone.The prepared text of President-elect Barack Obamas Inaugural Address, as provided by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, is in the Appendix and referred to according to its numbered pages. 4. Rhetorical and Linguistic Strategies In his performance, Obama employs a complex of rhetorical and linguistic strategies, which allow the speaker to introduce and deliver the message in favorable context. Analyzing rhetoric, Har t says that human history has been written by great persons authoring great orations for social betterment. Often, these great statements have seemed more poetic than pragmatic, as satisfying to the heart as to the head(4).In order to distinguish a poem from a narrative story or any other type of message, I will try to highlight rhythm by employing a number of linguistic devices including metre and parallelism. Simpson defines metre as an organized pattern of strong and weak syllables and 7 its repetition into a regular phrasing across a groove of poesy (15). Stanza is a product of correspondence of and the length, metrical scheme and danceable pattern of the verse lines with those of at least(prenominal) one other such group of verse lines in a poem (The Concise Oxford go with to English Literature, stanza).An extensive use of pronouns we, our and us in combination with a particular lexical register aims to foreground the desired effect of unity and communion the speaker and t he audience. 4. 1. The use of personal deixis Deictic expressions, cognize as deixis, can be interpreted only in the context in which they are used. The word deictic derives from the Greek language and is used for pointing a subject. I will focus on the use of deixis employed in the speech which, I will argue, creates an effect of unity on one side and outsiders on the other.In his analysis of Obamas electoral speech, Capone indicates that a speaker is responsible for the positions or opinions advanced, but need not necessarily be the animator or even the author (2967). He refers to Goffman for definitions of a principal in the legalistic sense, which involves imposing self-identification as we not I. (2967). By doing so, the speaker becomes a representative of the people (2967). This pattern of seemingly speaking on behalf of the audience is focused upon in the present chapter.The use of person deixis in the speech, in these circumstances, is worth investigating. Unlike his foreg oing public performances, where Obama aimed to convince the audience that he was the right candidate for the position of a congressman or, later, a president, here he is a victor and addressing his message from a position of Head of State. He, probably, does not need to put his personality in focus any longer, but earlier needs the support for his revolt challenges. In this case the pronoun I, which was used generously in Obamas previous 8 peeches, emerges only three times in his inaugural address in its departning I stand here today . . . I thank President Bush . . . Today I say to you . . . (Obama 1). The first person pronoun I does not appear any more in the performance. Obama favors the third person plural pronouns we, us and our(s) in the rest of the speech the pronouns which play their significant role in creating a sense of unity of the speaker with the audience. We, us and our(s) are employed 61, 20 and 65 times respectively and are, probably, the most often used words of the speech.The speaker does not distance himself from the American people instead, everything the president proclaims further seems to be issued by us the people of America. According to Capone, a political speech is in itself an interpretation of the audiences feelings and needs that allow the audience to build its own intentionality while a politician reflexes them (2969) . The above mentioned pronouncements are employed as the inclusive ones throughout the text.The speaker, in this case, is a member of the society to which he speaks. Whether he speaks of the previous achievements or the proximo plans, the orator claims them to be a special Kality, which means that he shares responsibility for everything universe said with the audience. As a result, the audience seems to become a co-author of the speech, providing that they approve of it, and they do so by frequent applause. Thus, the president speaks on behalf of the American people On this day we gather . . . we come to p roclaim . . . The addresser has a message to his opponents, and the pronouns they, their, those and some are served as if to indicate a distance between the American people, of whose behalf Obama speaks , and those who question the scale of our the Americans ambitions (Obama 3) . The victory in the election, presumably, allows the new president to associate himself with the studyity of the nation and to look down at the cynics who fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them (Obama 3).By carefully chosen pronouns, the speaker foregrounds the Americans, whose ideas he articulates and backgrounds the rest, who have 9 forgotten what this country has already done (Obama 3). Having repeated by then we and our dozens of times and created a panoramic picture of the nations achievements, the present state and the forthcoming challenges, Obama has little difficulty opposing and disparaging those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame ( Obama 2). 4. 2. Rhythm Among the complex of the devices that Obama operates in the speech, I will argue in the following sub-chapter, the rhythm plays a significant role. Rhythm contributes to delivering the message in a most effective and agreeable way. antediluvian patriarch Greeks used didactic poetry, not as a literary genre but, rather, to give instructions applying to it as being more easily remembered than prose (The Concise Oxford Companion to Classical Literature, didactic poetry). Moreover, poetry brings sentimental feelings which either thrusts disturbing thoughts or stresses them, depending on the context of the text.Words often have double meaning and can be interpreted differently. In poetry one can play with words employing their phonetic features, metaphors and sonic effect. In the following excerpt from the speech, the first line in the first four stanzas (the fourth one, however, has a conjunction and, which neither disturbs the rhythm nor change the meaning) sta rts with the akin accent we will followed by a verb contrive. The other three lines follow the main idea expressed in the first one. They are similar both danceableally and metrically.The last stanza is different in the structure and introverted, since the thought veers from the main root word and then returns thereto (Catholic Encyclopedia (1913), Parallelism, 2/4). Instead of starting, it finishes with the same construction we will followed by a verb phrase. In the speech, a vestige of a poem emerges from time to time, both in terms of rhythm and lyrical contexts of the word related to nature (as the Romantic poets would do) for describing 10 practical, moreover, technological purposes.I will try to rearrange an extract into stanzas, where each one (except the last one) consists of four lines and is, therefore, called quatrain (The Concise Oxford, stanza). The last stanza brings a conclusion and the last verse in the stanza sounds as if it were a final chord in a piece of mus ic We will build the paths and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that persist our commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technologys wonders to raise health cares character and lower its cost.We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. And we will transform our schools, and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age. 11 All this we can do. And all this we will do. (Obama 2) The sun and winds are invoked to symbolise mans need for the zero necessary to drive the economy. Obama does not speak a dry out language of economists he prefers the language of poets. Hart compares an orator a persuader with a poet being artistically creative.Both work with symbols to breathe life into ideas and use their imaginations to put by their audiences imaginations (10). The meaning of every sentence rests beyond the bare words it is metaphorical. Analysing arguments, Har t refers to Toulmins work, applying to the term major claims as a) the broadest, most encompassing, statements made by the speaker, b) reside at the level of abstraction higher than all other statements the speaker makes, c) represent what the speaker wishs will become the residual message in listeners minds (i. . , the main thoughts remembered when the details of the message have been forgotten), and d) are frequently repeated or restated in the message (Hart 98). In the extract above, every sentence contains a major claim, according to its definition. The message does not consist of specific words having definitive meaning of the work planned they are, rather, the broadest, most encompassing. What seems to strengthen the message is its rhythmical construction and repetition.Unlike the prosaic parts of the speech, where the listener does not need to employ their imagination, the poetical ones require it in order to fill the gap in the meanings between the sun and the winds, which should fuel our cars, or work out the way to wield technologys wonders (Obama 2). The structures of these stanzas follow the rules of synthetic parallelism, where the theme is worked up by the construct of thought upon similar thought (Catholic Encyclopedia (1913), Parallelism, 2/4).These linguistic tools contribute to the speakers foregrounding of the idea of forthcoming changes by restate the same or similar syntactic structures along with the 12 same phrase we will. Lexically, the stanzas also correspond. The theme of building and reconstruction the countrys economy progresses throughout the shutdown with a final chord where Obama seems to have changed his pre-presidential slogan yes, we can to yes, we will. 4. 3.Parallelism and foregrounding Parallelism is a product of balance arrangement achieved through repetition of the same syntactic form (The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, parallelism). Analyzing the text, one can find both syntactic and lexical parallels. Lexical parallelism is an effect of repetition of the same words or certain relationships between words, mostly belonging to the same word group, such as verbs or nouns. Giving examples of parallelism, scholars often refer to poetry and rhetoric.It seems that what they have in common is their appeal to the listeners emotions rather than pragmatism. Foregrounding is based on giving unusual prominence to one element or property of the text (The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, foregrounding). The devices such as repetition and giving a favorable syntactic position are commonly employed for creating a foreground effect. The background is, hence, a weaker and significantly less important voice in the text is used as a tool for stressing foregrounding.I would like to offer that the following piece of speech consists of lexical parallels. To start with, the nouns strength and flunk are antonyms by putting them in the same line the speaker creates the effect of parallelism based on contrad iction. He continuously contrasts and contradicts the rights and wrongs in the text until goodness eventually prevails over evil. For we know that our patchwork heritage is strength, not a weakness. 13 We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.We are make by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth and because we have tasted the bitter swill of gracious war and segregation, and emerged from the dark chapter stronger and united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace. (Obama 4) It is interesting that by contradicting and drawing parallels, the speaker achieves the effect of foregrounding.Before pointing out the goal, the speaker explains the reason for it and, hence, prepares the ground for the challenge, which se ems achievable afterwards. Lexical and syntactic repetitions strengthen both the background and foreground of the text. verbalise about the diversity of the country, Obama uses the effect of antithesis making contrasts when mentioning the religious groups. The diversity of religions evolves from being scarcely contrastive, which might in other contexts be interpreted as divisive and, therefore, a problematic issue, to cohesion and solidarity of the purpose.Those elements, which rest on the side of stringency, fade away under the pressure of goodness. The following compounds of phrases seem predictable then hatreds pass . . . tribe dissolve . . . humanity reveal (Obama 4). 14 4. 3. 1Parallelism syntactic and lexical The following extract is an example of both syntactic and lexical parallelism. The sentences begin with and are stressed by a prepositional phrase for us. It is followed by the noun phrase consisting of the pronoun they, which is followed by dickens verb phrases j oined by a conjunction and.The sentences are not alike in the structures. That is to say, although their first verb phrase is intransitive, in the first dickens sentences, it is post-modified by a noun phrase and a prepositional phrase respectively. In the third sentence, the same prepositional phrase post-modifies the two intransitive verb phrases fought and died. These verbs have related meaning where fighting causes dying. In the second sentence, the phrases toiled in sweatshops and plowed the hard earth are quasi-synonymous as they both mean doing hard work.In addition to the parallelism, the repetition and the heading position of the phrase for us produces the effect of foregrounding. The repetition and relationship of the phrases they and for us make the message of the passage more coherent. Everything they did, they did for us. In this case, what forebearers sic did, is not signified merely as a list of jobs, but rather as the effort they made for a early generation. The la nguage devices serve as a promoter of the message here. For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and travelled across oceans in search of a new life.For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the western United States 15 endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth. For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg Normandy and Khe Sanh. (Obama 2) 4. 3. 2. Parallelism and alliteration The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms defines the term alliteration as the repetition of the same sounds usually initial consonants of words or of stressed syllables in any sequence of neighboring words, remarking that in some poetry alliteration rather than rhythm is the chief principle of repetition (alliteration).The following block of supposed poetry contains both of the devices alliteration and parallelism. The adjectives less and last are not only repeated in the same stanza, but they also start with the same consonant l, consist of a single syllabl e and have similarity in the meaning. They both related to the tendency to minimize something to an unimportant level. Although the two first stanzas begin with the same pronoun our, they differ in the choice of linguistic tools. The effect of parallelism of the following two stanzas rests upon contradiction.Alliteration is more vaguely expressed in the words starting with consonant p such as pat, protecting, putting and passed in the second stanza, and is absent in the third one. These two stanzas contain verbs and/or verb phrases having opposite meaning they contradict each other and the parallelism is based on contradiction. Every stanza consists of a single, complex sentence, where intensity is accumulating in the first two lines in stanza 1 and 2 (in the third stanza that is line 1), and accelerating to its climax in the following line 3 and 4 relatively.Calling for action, Obama stresses the last syllables in 16 phrasal verbs verbs of action pick up and dust off. The choice o f these multi-word verbs obviously reflects the desire to emphasize the need for action up and off associate with impulse and movement. The tension is growing from the first to the last verse with the conclusion coming as a final chord Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and operates no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. Our capacity cadaver undiminished.But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions that time has surely passed. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of make over America. (Obama 2) 4. 4. Rhetoric lexical chain for the planned changes Hart defines the word lexicon as words that are unique to a group or individual and that have specific rhetorical power . . . by using preferred words a speaker can establish the right 17 to address the audience (156).Considering the fact that rhetoric is a persuasive use of language, Hart is insi stent that rhetoric is an art . . . which creates a story out of nothing, using symbols to bring to life feelings we had forgotten we had, plans we had not yet considered (7). He continues the story rhetoric tells is always a story with a purpose it is never told for its own sake (7). In the following chapter, I will draw attention to some rhetorical techniques which contribute to the delivery of the message.More precisely, they are two of five basic moves as Hart define them (2) the speaker must come to be regarded as a helper rather than an exploiter (3) the speaker must convince the listener that new choices need to be made (7). In his address, Obama proclaims that the time of standing pat . . . has surely passed and the nation is to begin again the work on remaking America (2). In order to indicate forthcoming changes in various areas and to stress the novelties planned, he parallels them with a new generation and a new age.He makes a specific lexical chain the choice of vocabu lary in order to indicate the expected changes in the society whose aim is to create the atmosphere of unity and agreement similar to the ideal American family. The theme of unity goes throughout the speech, and that is done by a carefully generated lexical chain as well as repetition. The feeling of unity is constructed in the very beginning in the greeting My fellow citizens, where the president identifies himself as one belonging to the society, rubbing away the invisible border between the stage and the crowd.The following step is to design the image of the nation as a family, where the ideals and traditions are transmitted from generation to generation- the word which is used instead extensively in the address. Obama creates a solid ground for a consensus of the main issues with the Americans from the very beginning by claiming that We the People have remained constant to the ideas of our forebearers sic, and true to our founding documents (1). This idea is developed and re used in such a way that it reappears in the very end of the speech, where Obama cites the 8 words of our (the Americans) start out in the year of Americas put up calling for unity and commitment. 4. 5. Citing other orators Obama has numerous times been compared with the black American civil rights withdrawer Martin Luther King, and he himself draws attention to such a comparison. The day before the inauguration BBC News reported that he reflected that Tuesdays inauguration ceremony would take place on the same mall where many thousands gathered in 1963 to hear Martin Luther Kings lesson I have A Dream speech (1).In fact, there was other political leader, who made his speech on the same day just before Dr King did the national president of the American Jewish Congress Rabbi Joachim Prinz, whose words Obama cites and whose message he reintroduces. The time . . . has come phrase is excerpted from Dr Prinzs speech. His thought of the time . . . for us to work together, for it is no t sufficient to hope together for it is not enough to pray together is edited and reused in Obamas speech (Prinz, Civil rights). The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit is the phrase which not only resembles Dr Prinzs but proclaims a new reaffirming cycle in American history. Obamas style of addressing the audience is also resembles Prinzs. They both start with a rather formal address, changing then to direct address . . . , a feature often found in personal correspondence, such as Prinzs our fathers taught us, our children, yours and mine, we share and Obamas our forebearers, our Founding Fathers, men and women and children of every race and every faith, we remain. 9 4. 6. The elements of preaching According to discourses of cultural criticism, Obamas rhetorical style may be described as an American one. Hart refers to a number of scholars when stating that one of the most distinctive things about American rhetoric is its curious combination of Transcendental and Pragma tic themes where he continues the transcendent strain in discourse gives it an elevating tone, the sort of tone one hears on inauguration day in the United States(240). On this day, the president might feel inclined to mention the words of Scripture.He avoids favouring one single religion by referring to scripture rather than the Bible, which relates to any religion in the world and, although he cites Bible, the values he mentions are universal the time has come to set aside childish things. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit to choose our better history to carry forward that precious gift, that the distinguished idea, passed from generation to generation the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full heartbeat of happiness. Obama 2) In that block, one can feel the growing tension, which comes as a climax in poetry and culmination in a traditional, Afro-American sermon. It has elements of Gospel, where rhythm ch anges its pattern while the main idea is repeated. Obamas style of public performance has been compared with preaching, particularly that which belongs to the tradition of AfroAmerican preaching discourse. Capone notices that among the characteristics which parallel Obamas speech style with Afro-American religious traditions is rhythmic structure, sensitivity and elevation (2970). 0 Hart argues that the Americans are a nation that seems to need a Holy Purpose for doing almost anything (240). Speaking on politics and business, Obama strengthens his states by referring to the Bible again hatreds shall someday pass . . . the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve . . . our common humanity shall reveal itself (4). Transcendental theme supports the pragmatic thoughts, in other words, two themes collaborate so that the message maximizes its efficiency. 5. ConclusionThe analysis of Barack Obamas Inaugural Address suggests that the speech was made by a skilful orator, who employed various ling uistic and rhetoric devices for the efficiency of the address. They are tightly linked together and, at times, it is hard to separate one from another as they are often multifunctional. I would like to suggest that the high level of education of the speaker was helpful when setting various tools in collaboration, so that the use of them produced the effect of a desirable message, the one which the audience accepted as if it had come from it self.Learning from Ancient Greeks, President uses didactic poetry persuading, convincing and easy-to-be-remembered rhythmic style when addressing to a wide audience of the Americans. Didactic poetry rests upon repetition and parallelism, which are the basic tools for creating an easily memorized message. Parallelism is, in turn, a part of a linguistic field of semantics. Focusing on parallelism employed in the speech, I have found that personal pronouns play a significant role in creating a foregrounding effect, which is an aspect of pragmatics. All these devices positively correlate with a rhetorical style, which the orator chose for the speech.The event took place at a historical mall, where some of the most prominent American orators have spoken to large audiences. In his speech, Obama stresses the strong connections between generations which he, as he states, is to endure, and employs other orators words in order to support the statement. 21 In an attempt to cover the most important values of the American people, Obama appeals to those which rest upon family and religion. He cites the Bible but quite carefully and, having pointed out the diversity of religions represented in the country, applies his words to universal, transcendental truth.He also creates an emotional atmosphere of a nation as a family, which suggests unity and support, the desire for a better future and a readiness for working hard on it for the next generations sake. The lexical register along with the foregrounding help to fulfill the task in a favor able view. The newly elected president needs his peoples support for the forthcoming reforms, which he has planned to carry out. The unity of the Americans, in order to receive their advanced approval, seems to be the aim of the Presidents address to the nation. His speech is persuasive, but hardly aggressive.By using linguistic techniques, which have been employed by a number of the nations Fathers and which have proved to be no-hit and appreciated both by the audience present and forthcoming generations, Obama announces his address to his people in a favorable way. That is to say, the extensive use of pronouns we and our in combinations with the lexical chain discussed above, affects the speech in such a way that the audience, to some extent, might almost be considered to be participants in it and the President performs as a representative of the people.The various linguistic and rhetorical devices suggest that the orator articulates the ideas of the audience and that as a presid ent, he represents the interests of his people. 22 Works Cited . A Dictionary of Critical Theory by Ian Buchanan. Oxford University Press, 2010. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Hogskolan I Halmstad. Web. 30 Mar. 2011 Akmajian, Adrian, et al. Linguistics An Introduction to speech and Communication. 5th ed. The USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. Print. Bazzanella, Carla. Redundancy, repetition, and intensity in discourse. Language Sciences 33 (2011) 243-254.Web. 03 Feb. 2011. BBC News, Obama honours Martin Luther King, BBC. BBC News, 20 Jan 2009 Web. 29 Mar 2011. Capone, Alessandro. Barack Obamas South Carolina Speech Journal of Pragmatics. 42 (2010) 2964-2977. Web. Greenstein, Fred I. The Presidential Difference. 3rd ed. Princeton and Oxford Princeton University Press, 2009. Print. Hart, P. Roderick. Modern Rhetorical Criticism. Upper Saddle River Allyn&Bacon A Pearson Education Company, 1997. Print. Lash, Scott. Another Modernity. 1998. Oxford Black well Publishers Ltd, 1999. Print. Leanne, Shel. Say It Like Obama The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision.USA RR Donnelley, 2009. Print. Mey, Jacob L. Pragmatics An Introduction. 1993. Oxford Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 2002. Print. Obama, Barack. Bararack Obamas Inaugural Address. The Inaugural Address, Washington, The Capitol, 20 Jan. The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 20 Jan. 2009. Web. 10 May 2011. Oxford Dictionary of English, Ed. Angus Stevenson. Oxford University Press, 2007. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Hogskolan I Halmstad. Web. 17 Feb. 2011 23 Prinz, Joachim. I speak to you as an American Jew, Web. 4 Apr 2011. http//joachimprinz. com/civilrights. htm/. Punahou left lasting impression on Obama. The Associated Press. Honolulu Star-Bulletin. 2007. Web. 11 Apr 2011. http//archive. starbulletin. com. Simpson, Paul. Stylistics A resource book for students. London and New York Routledge, 2002. Print. Tenbrink, Thora. Reference frames of space and time in language. Journal of Pragmatics. 43. 3 (2011) 704-722. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. . The Concise Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. Ed. M. C. Howatson and Ian Chilvers. Oxford University Press, 1996. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Hogskolan I Halmstad. Web. 18 Feb. 2011 .The Concise Oxford Companion to Englishl Literature. Ed. Margaret Drabble and Jenny Stringer. Oxford University Press, 2007. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Hogskolan I Halmstad. Web. 17 Feb. 2011 . The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Chris Baldick. Oxford University Press, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Hogskolan I Halmstad. Web. 22Feb. 2011. 24 Appendix Obamas Inaugural Address Remarks as Prepared for Delivery January 20, 2009 My fellow citizens I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents. So it has been.So it must be with this generation of Americans. That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of cupidity and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been woolly jobs shed businesses shuttered. Our health c are is too costly our schools fail too many and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our belt down a nagging fear that Americas decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights. Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are adept and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America they will be met. On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. 1On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and ill-judged promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish thi ngs. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit to choose our better history to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our tour has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risktakers, the doers, the makers of things some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and immunity.For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans in search of a new life. For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West endured th e lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth. For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg Normandy and Khe Sahn. Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their custody were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction.This is the journey we continue today. We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth. Our workers are no less productive than when this crisis began. Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions that time has surely passed. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America. For everywhere we look, there is wor k to be done.The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth. We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technologys wonders to raise health cares quality and lower its cost. We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.All this we can do. And all this we will do. 2 Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans. Their memories are short. For they have forgotten what this country has already done what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to fortitude. What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end. And those of us who manage the publics dollars will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government. Nor is the question before us whether the market is a event for good or ill.Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched, but this crisis has reminded us that without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control and that a nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous. The success of o ur economy has always depended not just on the size of our Gross Domestic Product, but on the reach of our prosperity on our ability to tense opportunity to every willing heart not out of charity, but because it is the surest route to our common good. As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals.Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediences sake. And so to all other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest groovys to the small village where my father was born know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more.Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missile s and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions. They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it lenify us to do as we please. Instead, they knew that our power grows through its prudent use our security emanates from the justness of our cause, the force of our example, the tempering qualities of humility and restraint. We are the keepers of this legacy. Guided by these principles once more, we can meet those new threats that demand even greater effort even greater cooperation and understanding between nations.We will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its people, and forge a hard-earned peace in Afghanistan. With old friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet. We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you. 3 For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness.We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their societys ills on the West know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to p ower through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work on base you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds. And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders nor can we consume the worlds resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it. As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains.They have something to tell us today, just as the fallen heroes who lie in Arlington whisper through the ages. We honor them not only because they are guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of ser vice a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves. And yet, at this moment a moment that will define a generation it is precisely this spirit that must bide us all. For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies.It is the generosity to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours. It is the firefighters courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parents willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate. Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism these things are old.These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task.This is the price and the promise of citizenship. This is the source of our confidence the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny. 4 This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath. So let us mark this day with remembrance, of who we are and how far we have traveled.In the year of Americas birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of patriots huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river. The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood. At a moment when the outcome of our revolution was most in doubt, the father of our nation ordered these words be read to the people Let it be told to the future world that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive that the city and the country, scare at one common danger, came forth to meet it. America. In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our childrens children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter and with eyes fixed on the horizon and Gods grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations. 5

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Why There We Have Winners and Losers in the Automotive Industry

One reasons that has exposed some automobile companies to severe vagaries of recession bandage sparing others is the existence of structural differences between the so called auto transplants or foreign auto mobile manufacturing in the United States and the major automobile companies incorporated and domiciled in the United States i. e. General Motors, Chrysler, Ford and the like.The so called transplants better equal by Toyota, Hyundai and the like are structured in such a way that they can access credit from their mother countries most of which for instance were not severely affected by the recent recession if compared with the United States (Ohno, 1988). Their deep pocket and this ready pool of credit from their mother countries made them less sensitized to the vagaries of financial meltdown. Another factor that has prejudiced some automakers while favoring others is what analysts fix called bad practices of the Big common chord United States automakers.These bad practices ar e the mavens that are responsible for the big cost differentials that have existed for some time now between them and the transplant. Another tragedy that has benefited the transplants at the expense of the Big Three is the spunky prices of automobile terminates that have been occasioned by the recession (Ohno, 1988). In this regard the Big Three US automakers known for their SUVs and Pickup Trucks which normally consume more fuel have found themselves uncompetitive due to the avoidance of fuel guzzlers in the United States due to the high oil prices and reduced disposable income due to inflation.Most of those who have avoided these fuel guzzlers have migrated to the cheaper and more fuel efficient car made from the so called transplant i. e. Toyota, Hyundai, et al. The labor costs have also overwhelmed the Big Three US automakers more than others from foreign countries manufacturing in the United States (McCracken, 2006). This is due to the fact that their workers are unionized and therefore able to press for high salaries while their non-unionized counterparts in the so called transplants do not have such powers (McCracken, 2006).Importance of the New Product ripening for slew In regard to Toyotas New Product Development Process with the launch of the Prius The development of current product whether in form of new innovations, new applications or even completely new goods is a needed component in business because it enhances the viability of the company. By developing new product the company is able to make a mark in the industry which is one of the best survival strategy that todays companies have perfected in their bid to withstand cutthroat competition that characterize todays business environment.The importance of continuously and consistently developing new product in todays business world is better captured in the statement innovate or die which has of late become a popular catchphrase adopted by both small and large corporate bodies in refere nce to increasingly knowledgeable consumer demand for the latest and finest products. One of the companies that have embraced the idea of developing new products in an effort to remain competitive while still providing their customers with the newest and finest goods in the respective market is Toyota Corporation.Toyota which is the second largest automaker globally realizes that in order to maintain its brand visibility as a sink automaker worldwide it has keep on innovating and coming up with new and more superior models (McCracken, 2006). All these Toyota models that have been launched in succession by Toyota Corporation are informed by this strategy. This strategy has been employed by Toyota for a long time now. However the most recent product of Toyotas advanced(a) product development is Toyota Prius. The development of Toyota Prius is in line with Toyotas management desire to develop newer and more superior cars for this century.The superiority of Prius as a new and differen t product from the other is better demonstrated by its superior features that include more spacious cabin space, relatively higher seat position, aerodynamic exterior, a 20km/little fuel economy, and a relatively small engine placed horizontally with a variable automatic transmission (McCracken, 2006). References Ohno, Taiichi, (1988). Toyota Production system Beyond Large-Scale Production. New York Productivity Press McCracken, Jeffrey, (2006). Detroits Symbol of Dysfunction Paying Employees Not to Work. The wall street journal online. 06 March 2006

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Accounting Estimates and Policy Essay

Disclosure of profound sources of melodic theme uncertainty and judgments in applying write up policies are two all-important(prenominal) requirements in fiscal insurance coverage, although these are the most subjective and complex areas, they are of significance in making business decisions to users of fiscal statements.This paper compares our communitys received invoice implement with the requirements in respective deeming standards in relation to disclosure of sources of inclination uncertainty and judgments in applying account policies with the aim the spot any gaps between these two which may trigger ASIC reviewers caution. It takes a look first at the requirements in respective accounting standards (Chapter 2). It then examine the authentic accounting institutionalizes in our company (Chapter 3 and 4) and identify the gaps between companys practice and accounting standard (Chapter 5). At the end recommendations are make for a better-compliant report (Chapter 6 ).Requirements in accounting standards The disclosure of significant sources of estimation uncertainty and judgments in applying accounting policies should be disclosed separately in the financial reports. not only the nature of hazards should be disclosed scarcely also the sensitivity analysis to these estimates should be included. Judgments in terms of whether the nature and the heart and souls are germane(predicate) to the companys operation are critical in applying the respective accounting policies.See moreMark Twains Humorous satire in Running for Governor EssayCompanys accounting practices Estimations disclosed are traumas for intangible goods, provision for restoration and rehabilitation, employee benefits, estimation of useful lives of assets and ore curb and revaluation estimates. judgments in applying accounting polices are disclosed in two areas which are depreciation of non-financial tangible goods and valuateations.Identifying the gaps Our company prepared the financial statements in ossification to Australian Accounting Standard. However there are minor gaps between our companys practice and the requirements in accounting standards in terms of theme and manner. More significant disclosure could have been made the structure can be improved.Conclusion and recommendations Disclosures about timing in revenue recognition, smorgasbord of finance leases and operating leases and way out concern could have been included, since they are relevant to our companys operating and can better assist users in evaluating our companys performance. The disclosure of estimates and judgments should be disclosed in separate notes since it is necessary by AASB hundred and one.1 IntroductionASIC announced recently that one of its focusing area would be the disclosure of entities estimates and accounting policy judgements.This is because some entities did not make real disclosure of sources of estimation uncertainty and significant judgments in applying acco unting policies, while these disclosures, though subjective and complex, are critical factors in business decision-making.The purpose of this report is to identify any gaps between our companys current accounting practice and the requirements of accounting standards by firstly looking at the requirements set out in the related accounting standard, then to carry out an examination of the current accounting practice of our company accordingly. The report will then compare the information collected and identify any compliance with or deviation from AASB requirements in regards to disclosure in estimates and accounting policy judgments, and discuss recommendations for a better compliance report to meet the satisfaction of ASIC reviewers.2 Requirements in respective accounting standardsAASB 101 paragraph 112-133 specifically state the requirements for material disclosures of sources of estimation uncertainty and the significant judgments employ in applying accounting policies.2.1 Requir ements for disclosures of sources of estimation uncertainty According to AASB 101 paragraph 125-129 which relate to disclosure of sources of estimation uncertainty. entities are required to disclose estimates at the reporting date that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the abutting financial year (AU AASB 101.125). for these assets and liabilities, details of their nature and their carrying amount at the end of reporting period are required. To determine the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, estimations for the effect of future events are needed. for example, when the recent market value is absent, future-oriented estimates are of necessity in measuring recoverable amount of property, whole kit and equipment. Other examples can be long term employee benefits, or provision liability which subject to future results of legal events. The manner of the disclosures should be in a way that can assist users of the financial statements to comprehend the judgments that ways makes about the future and other sources of estimation uncertainty, usually users will deliver to have the nature of the assumptions or other estimation uncertainty and the extent of sensitivity disclosures provided for the estimates. However, in some cases when the extent of possible effects the sources of estimation uncertainty at end of reporting period become impracticable, the entity should state that a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the asset or liability may be required if the outcomes within the next financial period are different from the assumption.2.2 Requirements for disclosure of judgments in applying accounting policies According to AASB 101 paragraph 117-124, requirements for disclosure about judgments used in applying accounting policies are set out. Judgments are defined as apart from those involving estimations, that management has made in process of applying the entitys accou nting policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statement (AU AASB 101.122). Two important elements to be disclosed are judgments about the measurement basis used in preparing financial statements and the other accounting policies. Judgments in terms of the relevance in applying a particular accounting policies should be exerted since management needs to read whether the disclosure would assist users in understanding the financial position and performance of the company. it is noted that not only AASB 101, but other accounting standards such as AASB 116 (disclosure of the measurement bases used for assortes of property, plant and equipment) also states the requirements for judgments. what should be taken into account when applying a particular accounting policy are the nature of the entitys trading operations and the policies that users of financial statements would expect to look at. for example, users would expect a manufactur ing company to disclose its accounting policies for depreciation and revaluation on property, plant and equipment. or, users concerning about the entitys income taxes would expect the entity to disclose information on accounting policies for income taxes, including deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets. it may be the case that even the amount for certain assets and liabilities are not material, but because it is highly relevant to the entitys operation, then professional judgments are needed when applying the accounting policies.3 Companys current accounting practiceResources of estimation uncertainty The disclosures of significant accounting estimates and assumptions are examined in note 2 to the financial statement, there are seven estimations made for the financial reports, the ones that deserve attention to are impairment of goodwill and intangibles with doubtful useful lives, provision for restoration and rehabilitation, employee benefits, estimation of useful lives of assets and ore reserve and resource estimates.3.1 Impairment of good will and intangibles with indefinite useful lives detailed disclosure about the assumptions and estimates used in conniving the impairment value are * Discount rate it requires managements estimate of the time value of money, in the financial report, weighted average cost of capital of the entity and business risk specific to the unit are accounted for the deliberateness. * Market conditions management made assumptions on key domestic market segment activity including construction, mining, agriculture and manufacturing, and also assumptions on GDP, CPI as well as long exchange rates for AUD/USD and NZD and made sure they are consistent with external information. * Sensitivity to changes in assumptions management considered that the carrying amount of the CGUs would not exceed their recoverable amount given any changes from the above assumptions.3.2 Provision for restoration and rehabilitation the provisions include future cost estimates in relation to dismantling, closure and decontamination of various site, and the calculation for these requires assumptions on application of environmental legislation, available technologies and consultant cost estimates. Since these factors are subject to changes in the future, updates need to be made periodically. in Note 18, trinity main categories are provision for restoration and rehabilitation, provision for legal customer claims(legal fees) and provision for restructuring.3.3 Employee benefit employment benefit such as long help leave would require estimation on future salary, discount rate and the years that the employee may work for our company. Other actuarial assumptions are applied when calculating defined benefit plans for employees.3.4 Estimation of useful lives of assets basing on historical experience, management made the estimation of the useful lives of assets .The condition of the assets is assessed at least annually and considered against the stay useful life, adjustments are made accordingly.3.5 Ore reserve and resources estimates This is the estimation of the amount that can be extracted economically and legally from the entitys mining properties, the calculation is based on the geological judgments and other factors such as foreign exchange rates, commodity prices and the size and grade of the ore body.4 Companys current accounting practicejudgments in applying accounting policies Judgments in applying accounting policies were disclosed in Note 2 under Significant accounting estimates and judgments. Two significant accounting judgments are identified in Note 2, being impairment of non-financial assets other than goodwill and intangibles with indefinite useful lives, and Taxation.4.1 Impairment of non-financial tangible assets Our company take into account the relevant factors, such as business performance, technology, economic and political environments and future business expectations when assesses the i mpairment of all assets. management decides that the recoverable amount of the asset is resolute if an impairment indicator exists. for the financial period ended 30 June 2012, management regarded that the indicators of impairment were significant enough so that assets have gone through impairment tests and recoverable amounts were determined.4.2 Taxation Our company is subject to income taxes in Australia and jurisdiction where foreign operations apply. While ultimate tax on transactions and calculations are uncertain, judgments is required in assessing whether deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are recognized on the balance sheet and the application of certain income tax legislation. Because there is risk and uncertainty manifold in making judgments, there is a possibility that the amount of tax assets and liabilities recognized on the balance sheet would be impacted if there are changes in future circumstances, resulting in a change to income statement. Judgment i s also exerted when determining whether deferred tax assets should be recognized, and it is based on that highly considerable likeliness that the tax losses can be recovered by sufficient future taxable profits.5 Comparisons between companys current accounting practices and accounting standard requirements It is important that our disclosures are in compliance with the requirements in Australian Accounting Standard Board. After the explanation of AASB101 and the examination of the note to our financial statements, the following points should deserve attention from the board5.1 Disclosure compliance Our financial statements disclose and only disclose the critical judgments about the application of accounting policies, and major(ip) sources of estimation uncertainty inherent in assets and liabilities, the information provided is appropriately tailored to our companys circumstances, for example, our company is subject to income taxes, therefore the policies of calculation of income ta xes, recognition of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are disclosed in note 1 to the financial statements. Since we are material company, ore reserve is highly relevant to our operating activity, therefore the estimation for ore reserve is disclosed in note 2 listing the factors we took into account when preparing the financial statements.5.2 Content of disclosure the potential gap between our companys current practice and accounting standard is that some other disclosures about judgments can be included in the notes, such as the judgments in the classification of leases as finance or operating. Although this figure is not material as shown in the financial statements, leased assets are relevant to our operating activity and should be included.4.3 Manner of disclosure Another gap is that in AASB 101 critical judgments and major sources of estimation uncertainty should be considered separate categories, in our companys note to financial statement, these two items are p laced under the same note 2.6 Conclusion and recommendationAfter the comparison between our companys current accounting practice and the requirements in accounting standard, to better satisfy the ASIC reviewers, the following points can be noted when preparing for the financial statements6.1 Improvement in contents we can included some other judgments we used in applying the accounting policies, such as the classification of assets ( whether a non-financial asset held of sale, or class of financial asset), classification of leases as operating or financial leases, and going concern judgments. The lease assets amount might not be as material as others, but these are relevant to material company like us and therefore the judgment involving in choosing the accounting policies should be disclosed, and so does going concern, it is believed that the reasonable disclosures of managements judgment on going concern can assist users in making financial decision.6.2 Improvement in structure Cr itical judgments should be separately identified from the estimation uncertainties, and should be disclosed in separate notes. This is because in AASB 101 it makes clear distinction between judgments and estimations. Not only the content but also the structure and manner of presentation are critical in achieving true and fair disclosures.